My son, Jesse, was in Europe when he learned about a Raw Foods way of eating. He adopted the diet, and lost more than 20 pounds. He came home in the spring to join me on a 3 day pack trip on our horses. I said, "lets eat the way you eat - I'd like to try it".
We went shopping together for the 3 day trip. We bought an assortment of fruits and vegetables and brought them home. When everything was laid out on the counter, I was overwhelmed by the amount of food. It seemed like way too much! I was concerned that we would waste food, that it wouldn't last in the saddle panniers, and that it would "go bad". I said to Jesse, "I have been planning meals for 40 years Jesse, and there is NO WAY we will eat all of this in three days!"
Jesse replied "Really? Well, I've never done this before, but let me add up the calories and see how much we need to take." He figured at his 6' 2" height and with his metabolism at 20 years old, he would need about 2800 calories a day. He sat there and began to plan his daily menu for the trip and after about 10 minutes, convinced me that we would in fact need to take all the food we had purchased. I was still skeptical, as you can see in the photo, but the next day, we loaded everything into the hard panniers, and headed off into the Rockies on our big adventure.
What happened in those next three days, food wise, began to change my ideas about food and eating in profound ways.
We never cooked anything, yet I have never eaten so well on a camping trip! We had fruits for breakfast, salads and raw vegetables for lunch and dinner, and fruits and veggies in between for snacks. We did end up eating almost everything we took with us - except for a little bit of greens that got soggy when our ice melted on the second day.
Several things occured to me - like a shocking new news!
1) The food was delicious and easy to prepare.
2) The food was so clean! Our dishes simply needed to be rinsed - no soap needed. No fat clinging to the pan....It struck me that I was putting this clean food inside me - instead of clogging my arteries with fat from meat.
3) When I felt hunger, I ate! We ate a lot... and it was a pleasure!
4) I had a lot of energy and wasn't tired even after riding all day long through mountainous country.
5) There was no garbage to haul away. The peelings etc were biodegradable!
After eating this way for three days, I knew I wanted to continue. I felt great! And I had fallen in love with my food. I also lost seven pounds, although I never felt hungry and had lots of energy.
Six months later, I am still losing weight, with very little effort. I weigh less now than I did in my 20's! My jeans are a size 8, and fit like a glove. People are noticing and asking questions, so I tell them this story, and developed this website to offer inspiration and information on how you can do it too.
I'm so excited you're here! Let me know if you have any questions...I'm here to serve you!
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