Sunday, November 15, 2009

How can I help you?

The main reason I have constructed this webpage is to be of service to you. Please let me know, by your comments and questions, how I might best support you in getting you what you need to be able to adopt a raw food lifestyle.

If you desire the outcomes of weight loss, improved health and vitality, mood stabilization, increased energy, and improved digestion, then raw food choices can be the answer! But it's not always easy to get started.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to support you in this process. Menus, photos, books, videos, recipes, stories, chats, what helps you the most?

I also offer a "quick and easy start"! Live with me for a week and see/eat/experience first hand how easy it is to shop, prepare, and eat these wonderful foods!

What do you need? What works for you? I'm only an email or comment away....


  1. What do you do for protein and calcium?

    Do you drink only water?

  2. Hello there and thanks for posting a comment question!

    Regarding Calcium: Many raw foods are a good source of calcium - here is a link to an article that describes the foods that are especially high in that important mineral:

    Raw food also has protein in ample supply. One of the ways I was overeating the wrong foods before adopting a raw food lifestyle, was in getting too much calorie dense protein and fat in meats. As I mentioned here in my blog, I'm eating about 15 per cent cooked food now, and that is usually some sort of fish, lean game meat, or eggs. But a person can also get plenty of protein from 100% raw food through leafy greens, brazil nuts, flax seeds, and many other raw foods.

    Here's a link to an article that has lots of great suggestions:

    I drink all kinds of liquids, including water. I try to stay away from sugar loaded soft drinks, and almost never drink them. I don't drink coffee everyday, but I do occasionally have a cup. I love fresh squeezed juices and veggies but I have not invested in a juicer, so I get them at juice shops like IntaJuice. I also like MixOne, a juice and veggie drink made in Boulder Colorado. I like them for a quick breakfast, and some have a protein added which I like. I also love Odwalla superfood, which has spirulina and other superfoods. Acai drinks are yummy too, and sometimes for a "pick me up" I'll have a glass of water with "Emergen-C", which is a powder that contains Vitamin C and tastes great.

    Thanks again for your comment - it was my first one! Whoever you are...
